weekendje zeilen

Catharina van Mijdrecht Referenzen

Sehr zu empfehlen
Referenzen Freizeit SegelnReferenzen Freizeit Segeln, viele Firmen, Familien, (Jugend-) Gruppen und Vereine sind in den letzten Jahren mit uns gesegelt. Dies immer zum gegenseitigen Vergnügen. Sie empfehlen die Catharina van Mijdrecht für Ihre nächsten Segelfreizeit.
Einige der vielen Referenzen, die wir erhalten haben:

Hallo Jos,
nochmals ganz herzlichen Dank für die wunderschöne und erlebnisreiche Woche auf Deiner Catharina.
Nach Auswertung der Fragebögen weiß ich nun, dass alle 16 Teilnehmer das Feld “sehr zufrieden” angekreuzt haben; nicht einer war nur zufrieden oder gar unzufrieden!
Beste Grüße,
Mathias, Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Abt. Hochschulsport

Hallo Jos,
Facebook vermeldet, daß Du schon wieder viel unterwegs bist und die Filmarbeiten fortschreiten…
Es hat mir wieder sehr viel Spaß gemacht mit Dir zu Segeln und die Tage vergingen viel zu schnell!
Auch meine Schüler sind noch sehr begeistert und die Rückmeldungen sind alle sehr positiv!
Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmal!
Viele Grüße,
Thomas, Dossenberger-Gymnasium Günzburg

Hallo Jos,
im Anhang einige Fotos…
Und jetzt versuch ich laaaangsam im Alltag anzukommen… Es wird schwer…
Danke für die schönen Momente!

Ich bin gut zuhause angekommen, habe jedoch unheimliche Sehnsucht und es fällt schwer, wieder in den Alltag zu finden!
Der Segeltörn war großartig und bleibt unvergessen!
Ich möchte dir gerne ein Foto von der Gruppe sowie von dir und Bär schicken und dir damit nochmal danken – denn auch du und Mark habt dazu beigetragen, dass wir eine so gute Zeit hatten!
Richte bitte Mark schöne Grüße aus (und vielen Dank auch für das Sternchen auf meinem Segel Zertifikat…)!
Liebe Grüße

Moin Jos!
Die einzige Frage, die wir haben, ist: Warum ist diese tolle Woche schon vorbei??? Der wenige Wind war kein Problem! Aber die permanente Sonne ist nun unser handicap… alle Kollegen sind sauer, dass wir solch eine schöne Zeit hatten… Es war rundherum einfach nur toll!!! Wir danken!!! Für viel Spass, Verständnis für die kids und gute Zusammenarbeit unter euch Skippern! -Auch wenn dies zur Folge hat, dass es Elefantengedächnisse gibt, die Wasserbomben nicht vergessen… Danke für alles!
Im Oktober werde ich wohl Arnold besuchen und eventuell mit Egbert die Regatta fahren. Genaues ist noch nicht klar, aber wenn, dann gibt´s Bierche!!
Liebe Grüße, bestimmt auch von 69 Kindern und 4 Kollegen.
Grüß sie alle

Hallo Jos,
wir sind alle gut angekommen und es hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Das Segeln war zwar von wenig Wind begleitet, war aber für die , die noch nie auf einem Schiff waren besser so. Es hat uns sehr viel Spass gemacht, wir werden euch weiterempfehlen.
Danke und Gruß an alle,

Hallo Jos,
nochmal ganz herzlichen Dank für die traumhaft schöne Woche auf Deiner Catharina und das tolle Jubiläumsgeschenk. Alle Teilnehmer warenübrigens ohne Ausnahme vom Programm total begeistert.
Ich wünsche Dir für den September noch einige nette Gruppen und freue mich schon auf nächstes Jahr.
Herzliche Grüße,
Mathias, Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Abt. Hochschulsport

Hallo Jos,
herzlichen Dank für die Nachfrage und das Segelzertifikat. Die Kinder freuen sich sehr darüber,
Wir möchten uns auch noch einmal ganz herzlich für die tolle Woche bedanken. Trotz des eher schlechten Wetters wird das Segeln mit dir in dauerhafter Erinnerung für uns bleiben. Wir kommen auf jeden Fall wieder – hoffentlich auch auf die Catharina van Mijdrecht.
Nach einer Zwischenübernachtung in Hoorn sind Sandra Fabian und ich am Samstag dann von Den Helder nach Texel gefahren und hatten noch eine Woche super tolles Wetter.
Nach der Überfahrt ist Fabian zu folgender Erkenntnis gekommen:
“Die Fahrt mit Jos nach Texel war viel besser, als mit der großen Fähre!”
Daran kannst du erkennen, wie gut die gemeinsame Segelwoche war.
Gruß auch an Danny und weiterhin alles Gute, Gesundheit und viele Segeltörns!
Sandra, Fabian, Thomas, Solveig, Elly, Michael, Rosali, Nora, Aaron, David, Jonathan, Naomi, Nathalie, Stephan.

Hi Jos,
Thank you for the superbly catered day yesterday. Everyone had a great time. Thanks for that.
Kind regards,
Angelique, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis.

Hello Jos,
Everybody in our team thought it was a fun day. Lunch, snacks and beverages were rated high quality! I have a small tip: tell something about the ship, the year it was built, what it was used for etc., a bit of history. Thanks again for a great day, and it didn’t matter that there wasn’t much wind!
Kind regards,
Martha, Comprehensive School de Klimop.

Dear Jos and Guus,
We loved it, everyone was enthusiastic and enjoyed a great afternoon on the water. Once again our warmest thanks for a great afternoon.
Kind regards,
Heleen, Spaarne Ziekenhuis.

Dear Jos,
We thought it was great. On the coach back home we made a top 3 of company outings, and this one is the best by far!
Thank you guys for a really fun day!
Femke, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, locatie GZG en CLZ.

Dear Jos,
Thanks for your email.
Thank you too for taking such good care of us. It sounds like everyone enjoyed it and maybe there will be some more business in it for you because they are all managers of retail chains and their suppliers. I wish you all the best and if I need you I’ll know where to find you.
With kind regards,
Frans, Retail Compass Company.

Dear Jos,
We had a great time (apart from a drowned camera :-( ). Weather not bad, fortunately. We won’t count those couple of showers. We especially liked sailing through Friesland. Never done anything like that before. We’ll certainly keep an eye on you. Say hello to Jan and his charming assistant from Basel.
Warm regards,
Willem and Inke.

Hello Jos,
A thank you back certainly is in order, and not enough in my opinion. For me it was a very successful week and I’ll be enjoying the memories for a long time. My compliments for the way you arranged evertything, the varied itinerary and the opportunities to participate in the actual sailing.
A nice varied menu, which nothing to remark on for my part; compliments to the chef! Jan was a pleasant person who takes the time to explain everything you need to know, and did so in a very pleasant way. So I have no comments but only compliments for a well organized sailing week! Thanks for all your great care. and hopefully until next time.
With kind regards to all of you (and certainly to Mia and Elies),

Hello Jos,
Thank you very much too, on behalf of all of us. We all enjoyed ourselves very much! Partly due to the beautiful weather, but certainly also to your good care. I’ll keep your data in case we ever want to come back. I’ll certainly recommend you to other departments in our company too. With kind regards,
Abbey, Perfetti Van Melle Benelux B.V..

Dear Jos and Jan,
We had a really great day. Everybody went home very satisfied. Jan’s guidance was very instructive, Jos’s steering skills were real craftsmanship and Sandra gets a Michelin star for her cooking! Greetings and see you!
Martijn, GGD Amsterdam.

Dear Jos,
The only remark I have is that this is going to be hard to beat ;-)
I’ve heard nothing but praise from colleagues and business relations about the perfect organisation and top level catering! Wonderful to hear because this was the first time we did something different from our yearly participation in the Regatta and because people preferred something with a more leisurely character. A great success, and worth repeating!
If all goes well, perhaps next year? With kind regards,
Ancilla, Goes Installaties BV.

Dear Jos,
We experienced the sailing day as fun and relaxing, and the visit to Pampus was a good stopover. As far as I’m concerned you can count on us for next year.
With kind regards,
Marco, Goes Installaties BV.

Dear Jos,
All of us on board thought it was in one word amazing and we hope that the “helpers” did a good job too. In spite of fearing the worst, in the end the weather wasn’t bad at all, and in the right order too. First rain, then a lovely sun and wonderful wind in the afternoon. You must have noticed that everyone came out to sit on deck then. Sailwise the best part of the day, so everybody really enjoyed themselves and they were full of praise for your service, all three of you. Compliments!
Thanks again and I hope your wine stock isn’t completely gone now because apparently they liked it a lot.
With kind regards,
Geert and Lydia.

Thank you too!
It was a wonderful day, and we look back on it with great pleasure. We are reliving it now…
Anja, Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers.

Dear Jos, Lucas and Caroline,
We’d like to thank you againfor a very successful day. A beautiful ship, more than excellent food and your excellent hospitality certainly contributed to a successful unit getaway. Thank you on behalf of all.
Kind greetings,
Frieda, KPMG Meijburg & Co.

Dear Mr Rodewijk,
Everyone was enthusiastic about the sailing. Thank you again for this.
Annelies, KLM NV.

Dear Jos,
As far as I’m concerned it was a very successful afternoon, without anything to comment upon. My guests’ reactions were very positive too. Thank you very much for your expert guidance, and especially for the opportunity to actively participate in the sailing, for all ages!
The kids have all been telling tall stories at school about steering with a REEEEEALLY big wheel! If any more nice pictures come in I’ll just mail them to you.
Thank you again for everything, who knows until next time, and we wish you success!
Kind regards,
Charlotte (and the others ;-))

Hello Jos,
We had a very sociable and beautiful sailing trip with you. You spoiled us with the delicious food. In the future I will certainly contact you if we want to brave the waves again.
Ellen, AMC.

Dear Jos,
We all enjoyed it and everything was to our satisfaction, lovely. The day is worth repeating so if we want to go sailing in the future, we will certainly contact you.
Regards and thanks,
M.F. van Vliet, Gisbertus Voetiusschool.

Dear Jos,
We can look back on a very successful day. The family are still talking about it. Of course everything went our way, your ship and yourselves and the wonderful weather as well. We couldn’t have imagened this when we booked the trip in the spring of 2008.
We heartily recommend you to our friends, acquaintances and colleagues, because the catering was excellent too. Actually I wanted to get the recipe for your potato salad, but with all the excitement I forgot.
Thank you very much for all your good care.
With kind regards,
Karel and Saskia van Tent.

Dear Jos,
Thank you on behalf of the whole group for the especially nice day. Everyone was full of praise about the catering and the hospitality on board. We really had an unforgettable day.
Normally we don’t socialise much during rehearsal nights because we need to be singing. Now we had every opportunity.
Thanks again for the lovely day aboard your ship.
With kind regards,
Han, Zwart Hypotheken BV.

Hi Jos,
Everyone enjoyed the day tremendously. Nothing but praise for everything!
Thank you again and who knows until another time.
With kind regards,
Diana, Structon/Mergor Underwater Construction.

Hi Jos,
Thank you again for the wonderful day yesterday – on behalf of everyone – also to the rest of the crew. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye. But anyway; big thank you for all your good care. Everybody loved the catering too! We’ll certainly keep you in mind when we have sailing plans again!
Petra, UTZ Certified.

Dear Jos,
I enjoyed the sailing and I also heard back enthusiastic reactions from everybodsy else (on deck and down below).
I want to thank you especially for taking care of my sick mother. She was happy that she could come along after all, all warmly tucked in.
On deck we all had our cobwebs blown away by the fresh air and I think the men can still enjoy the afterglow of hoisting the sails through their aching muscles.
The food was fantastic and the tour was well-organised too.
In short, thank you thank you thank you. If I run in to someone who wants to organise a sailing trip I’ll certainly recommend you.
Have a good season with lots of beautiful weather and good winds.

I want to thank you too for the wonderful day on the ship. We found it a very pleasant way to conduct a meeting, occasionally stepping out for some fresh air. We have no remarks; the day was well-organised and the food was delicious.
Thank you again and good luck with the business.
With kind regards,
Willy, Advies- en Ingenieursbureau van Stadsbeheer Almere.

Dear Jos,
A heartfelt thank you to you too for the wonderful day. And I don’t just mean the weather, of course! This is one of those days you’ll remember often and with pleasure.
Again, compliments from all of us for the chef’s cooking. Super!
Good luck with the business.
With kind regards,
Antoinette, MobiCoach BV.

Hello Jos,
We had a great day on your ship.
There’s going to be a piece written for our website somewhere next week, I’ll forward it to you.
Thanks for this excellent day.
With kind regards,
Daan (and the rest of the staff), Hutten Catering.

Dear Jos,
All the guests really liked the weekend, we got nothing but compliments. Thank you for your good care and organisation.
With kind regards,
Jeantine, Yokota Europa BV.

Hai Jos,
We all enjoyed ourselves very much and are still enjoying our wonderful weekend away. It was a great success! Thank you very much for that.
Suzanne, Keesing Reference Systems.

Dear Jos,
Thank you from us too for the very successful day. We enjoyed ourselves very much and the stories are still being told here at the office.
Who knows until next time, I’ll know where to find you….
Thanks again and kind regards,
Edgar, Heijmans Bouw Leiderdorp B.V.

Dear Jos,
I want you to know this was a very successful day!! The weather was very cooperative as well. Everybody enjoyed themselves very much. It was really special for our French colleagues; they had never done anything like this before. The hour on Marken was a good idea too. Good interruption.
Also, the service on board was exceptionally good! Comparable to KLM so to speak ;-). “Boatsman” Jan, who put everone to work in a great way, made quite an impression. In short: higly recommended! Thank you to everyone.
With kind regards,

Dear Jos and Sandra,
In spite of the wind, and maybe because of it, it was a very successful day for us. No negative comments from any of the participants. Pity we couldn’t get the tour of Pampus but it was force majeure. I really appreciate that you managed to get the costs back from the organisation. I’ll certainly recommend you if someone is asking.
Good luck with your business, perhaps we will see you again,

Hello Jos,
We’ll be talking about this fantastic day out for a long time. The catering was excellent, you really thought of everything. Especially the boys really enjoyed helping out and Enya was proud as Punch to be at the helm. We’ve recommended you to others, so perhaps you’ll get some queries about estimates soon.
Again, thank you very much!
Greetings, Tiny and the others.

It was a great afternoon and I’ve had nothing but positive reactions, thank you again too for your good care!
Hendrik-Jan, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam.

Dear Jos,
Everyone is still very enthusiastic about the sailing trip. Thanks again for a fun afternoon/evening.
warm greetings,
Liesbeth, Universiteit Leiden.

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